Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Month of the Dead

November is the month we remember our dead.  On All Souls Day, November 2nd, we took a field trip to the local cemetary.  Our own loved ones are buried in other states, but we spent some time praying for others' loved ones, forgotten ones, and contemplating our own mortality. 

In our own small town cemetary, there is a mix of rich and poor, known and unknown, heroes, babies, parents, grandparents and scoundrels.  We wondered at long ago lives, and shed new tears over more recent losses.

Finally recalling that, perhaps, they are the lucky ones.  Already enjoying their eternal reward.  Wondering what it is like to see Jesus face to face.  To live in His glory forever and ever.
Someday we will know.  Until then, we've got alot of livin' to do.  Remember our veterans on November 11th.

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