Tiberius, Jerusalem, Damascus, in the year 40AD. Saul of Tarsus is hunting down followers of The Way and brutally bringing them to justice. Julia is the pampered daughter of Jamal, a wealthy merchant, and Jacob is one of his best caravan guards. Both are couriers of secret messages between the dispersed groups of Christians. When Saul and his retinue of temple guards join Jamal's caravan to Damascus, Jacob and Julia risk discovery as well as their very lives to warn believers there of the impending danger.
Christian historical fiction just keeps getting better and better. I really enjoyed The Damascus Way for its portrayal of daily life and business in the first century after Christ. I also liked the light romance and heavy suspense. Not only are messages being smuggled, but also frankinscense, a rare and costly spice. Bandits and Zealots threaten lives and livelihoods. Then there are the Roman guards who are also secret Christians...and the temptation on the road to Damascus to simply do away with Saul and his threat to their new faith.
With a guest appearance by the apostle Philip, and his encounter with the eunuch on the road to Gaza (Acts 8:26-39), Bunn and Oke continue to bring the Bible alive, especially the Acts of the Apostles. A refreshing story, full of adventure and imagination without being morally offensive or degrading to other faiths.
New from Bethany House Publishing, this is the third book in the Acts of Faith series by Davis Bunn and Janette Oke.